with the Palestinians, then peace will flower everywhere. The root of conflict is resolution of I/P. Terror is a product of poverty and despair. Or so we are told. At least by many here at Daily Kos that seem only to pay attention to a singular view and reject other narratives or sources.
Someone should please tell Walid Sakariya, Hizbullah MP and retired Brig. Gen. that he did not get the message! Just 4 days ago, he said:
Some of his words:
Iran is the country most hostile to Israel, but Iraq serves as a buffer between Iran and the Palestine front – from the days of Saddam Hussein and until the US military presence in Iraq. Iran supports the forces of confrontation: Hamas, Hizbullah, and Syria.If, following the US withdrawal, Iraq becomes a bridge linking Iran to Syria, the Iranian forces could cross Iraq and arrive in Syria, in order to participate in a direct war on the Golan front.
In that case, Israel would not be fighting Hizbullah alone. It would be fighting Hizbullah, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. This is the so-called "Shiite Crescent" that they fear. Since Iran dominates this [axis], the Arab countries refer to it as the "Shiite Crescent."
If Hizbullah has 5,000 missiles and can destroy some targets in Israel, the equation will completely change when Syria and Iran join the war. You will have the strategic superiority and a force large enough to pulverize Israel, even if this war costs you hundreds of thousands of martyrs – not just 1,000 or 2,000. You will enter this war with a population mass exceeding 100 million.
If Syria, as a confrontation country, fails, America and the Zionist enterprise will be victorious. [...] But if Syria is victorious as a confrontation country, Israel will come to an end. There are military balances. Hizbullah can defeat Israel, but it cannot abolish it. If Syria enters a war with Israel, it may be able to regain the Golan, but it will not be able to liberate Haifa and Tel Aviv.However, Hizbullah, Syria, Iraq, and Iran will constitute a force that is militarily superior to Israel and will destroy it. They will wage a war and might even suffer hundreds of thousands of martyrs – because Israel might use the nuclear weapon in order to survive – but nevertheless, this war will put an end to Israel.
Let's put aside the the way these regimes treat their own people. Not a one is free. But in the rush to demonize Israel and Zionism (Jewish self-determination) through means like the flotillas, BDS and the torrent of one sided-diaries at Daily Kos, I ask how can anyone align, directly or indirectly, with these purveyors of hate and aggression, then claim to be for human rights and peace? To me it seems quite Orwellian.
As such, I decided to take a few moments and share what too many here may never have opportunity to consider, to see firsthand what Israel's adversaries are not afraid to openly say. I am not inclined to debate the issue necessarily. At this venue it's virtually impossible to escape ideology. For example, it's from MEMRI!! That alone will give some reason to dismiss the diary as propaganda, or bring out the label "right wing" as a standby to confront information that disputes one's narrative, rather than look at substance. To those I would ask, is the translation inaccurate?
I think that Daily Kos is better when different sides of controversial issues are welcome. Such discourse leads to more informed decision making. This seems like a minority opinion at this stage, and perhaps that will change, as will the mentality that those who proffer different opinions are enemies and deserve to be treated as such, often in most personal terms.